Thursday, July 17, 2014

St. Thomas Sea Planes- Stock Photos

On July 12th we flew from Puerto Rico to St. Thomas. It was a short trip. I was amazed by our Ocean View Resort. The hotel Is built on a hill, and soooo many steps all over the place. It's a hillside, so your walking up flights and flights of stairs, just to go to the pool, or the gym, or to the restaurant. Our car could barely even make it around the island, it was soooo hilly in many places. We went to a couple of beach buffets, drove around the island. And let me tell you about the sand flea. Yes, they do bite, and it's worse that a mosquito bite. It lasts for a week, the itch. Anyway, here are some pictures in a nut shells. If you wonder why I put soooo many pictures? This is how I back my pictures up online. That way, if I ever lose a camera, or laptop, it's still here. Also makes it convenient when I travel, if I ever need to download a picture for my resume, I know where I can get it.

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